
Friday, September 13, 2013

Disable Notification balloon Win7&Vista

Disable All Notification Balloons in Windows 7 or Vista

If you find the popup notification balloons in the Windows system tray to be too annoying, you might be interested to know that you can completely disable them. This would be an extreme option, of course… typically you can just turn them off in any offending applications, but if you want to disable them across the board, this is the solution.
Note: This should work in any version of Windows.

I’m not necessarily recommending that everybody do this… you should only bother with it if you need to solve this particular problem.

Manual Registry Hack

Open up regedit.exe through the start menu search or run box, and then browse down to the following key:


Right-click on the right-hand pane, and create a new 32-bit DWORD with the following values:

Name: EnableBalloonTips
Value: 0

You’ll have to logoff and back on in order to see the change… or to be more correct, you won’t see any popup balloons anymore.

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